Eni UK Limited
Southern North Sea (UKCS)
Scope of Work
Orbis prepared the environmental permit applications for Eni to gain consent to conduct the Aspen exploration drilling operations in UKCS Block 53/14a located in the Southern North Sea. Unusually for this region, the well was targeting a crude oil prospect and therefore Orbis conducted detailed oil spill modelling (using OILMAP software) to determine the risk of shoreline oiling and help define an appropriate counter pollution response strategy. Following this, Orbis developed the Combined TOOPEP for the drilling operations.
As part of the drilling programme, Eni also planned to conduct a VSP survey. BEIS was therefore required to conduct a Habitats Regulations Assessment due to the location of the Aspen well within the Southern North Sea Special Area of Conservation, designated for the protection of harbour porpoises. The EIA Justification document, produced by Orbis to support the Drilling MAT, included a detailed assessment of the impact of underwater noise emissions on harbour porpoises to determine that no likely significant effects would be experienced at a population level and that the proposed operations would not affect the ability of the Southern North Sea SAC to achieve its conservation objectives and favourable conservation status.